
We are a non-profit organisation that has been founded and run by local volunteers since 2019. We now need money to extend our efforts to bring community focussed resources and events that tackle climate change at a local level. We aim to do this by opening a High Street Community Hub in a previously vacant building and using it to gather, share and learn about ways we can all make our daily lives more sustainable and therefore protect our natural environement.

We currently need funds to help pay for the set up and running of the new premises. Please support us today.

1. Individuals

Thank you for choosing to support us. There are a few ways you can donate to us.


2. Businesses & Organisations

We are keen to work with local businesses and organisations who can offer financial support. This is a great way to take steps to support sustainability in the local community, but also to get support from us on how to be more sustainable in your business processes. Please email us at to discuss further.