Dear All,
As promised, we are sending you some follow up notes from our meeting on Thursday, which has left us feeling really encouraged. Thank you all for your positivity and support! (we have included people that weren’t there as well, so they can see the progress we have made)
You will find the link to both videos we showed at the bottom of this email swell as the presentation attached. The following is the list of actions and ideas we will be following up on as a result of our discussion.
1. Make ourselves a Community Action Group through CAG Oxfordshire - <>
For this we will need committee members. The three key roles that need to be filled are Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. These roles are explained in more detail here <>
In order for us to get this sorted as soon as possible, please can I ask that anyone who is willing to volunteer in any of the three key roles - or would like to just commit to being a general committee member - to volunteer by responding to this email.
For those who would like to help on an ad hoc basis, we will use the website to list activities that we require support, with and you can volunteer at times and with items you are available for. There is no need to feel it is all or nothing. Every bit of support, no matter how big or small can help us achieve our goals!!
2. Create a website
Jodie has kindly offered to investigate options, costs and to design this for us. We also had two hugely generous offers to pay for a year of website hosting. THANK YOU!!
This will allow us to advertise to the community beyond Facebook users and provide a central resource for information sharing and updates.
3. Buy the Telephone Box
A suggestion was made that we could use this as an information point/resource library to get us up and running before we have secured a suitable venue. Kate Mortiboy is on the case
4. Monthly Meetings
We are suggesting the 4th Wednesday of every month for a get together. This would make the next meet up Wednesday 23rd October at 7.30pm (to allow for people to have dinner in advance). We will aim to book a room in one of the local pubs and let you know ASAP. We will advertise this with posters, facebook and word of mouth. Unfortunately we have missed the deadline for The News this month but will aim to have something in each month from now on. Ideally those meet ups will increase in size as we move on.
5. Other items mentioned in the meeting
We have prioritised the above four items so we can get set up properly before looking to local businesses and funding opportunities. We would like to make sure we have a bank account to receive donations and to use to pay for the website, posters etc. We would also like to have established our vision and plans so we can all explain the same thing when promoting and networking through out the community.
However we have taken a note of various useful suggestions that we’d like to explore further at the next gathering. If you think of anything in the mean time, please feel free to email us on this address and I can add it to the list. If you do use Facebook and haven’t already joined, we have group dedicated to the project that you can find here.
Full Survey Results - <>
Survey Results Video - <>