Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2021
Held on 22 December 2021 at 7.30 p.m. (via Zoom)
SS Members:
Bjorn Watson
Barbara Jenkins
David Jenkins
Jackie Wray
David Wray
Chris Taylor
SS Committee Members:
Kate Myrie (KMy) - Co-Chair
Kate Mortiboy (KMb) - Co-Chair
Sandra Green (SG) – Treasurer
Steph Muir (SM) – Committee Member
Apologies: Richard Bartle, Jane Crook
KMy welcomed all those attending, confirmed that the meeting was quorate as at least three members were present, and that no apologies had been received.
KMy advised that Kathy Durham had recently resigned from the Committee due to having other commitments but had kindly offered to continue to support SS as much as she could. Kathy was thanked for her considerable contribution in helping to bring SS to its current position in the community.
No further introductions were felt necessary as all those present had recently met each other at the community meeting.
Approval of Previous AGM’s draft minutes
The Minutes of the 2019-2020 AGM had been reviewed shortly after the meeting and were APPROVED as an accurate representation of the proceedings.
Announcement of any Motions
KMy/SG advised the meeting that no motions or resolutions had been received from members.
Co-Chairs’ Report: Review of SS’s activities: 1 April 2020-31 March 2021
KM and KMb, as Co-Chairs, detailed the various activities which SS has undertaken since the last AGM: please see separate report. Questions were invited from those present – no questions were raised.
DJ proposed a Vote of Thanks to the SS Committee for achieving all they had, especially during what had been such a challenging period due to the CV Pandemic which prevented gatherings in person.
Co-Chairs’ Report: Activities in progress
KM and KMb, as Co-Chairs, detailed the various activities which SS currently had in hand and plans for future ones: please see separate report.
With respect to The Hub:
KMb advised that SS have enquired of the Co-op owners if we can choose our own energy provider for The Hub.
KMy advised that a local company has offered to underwrite The Hub’s energy bills if they can advertise their green credentials; this will be given proper consideration in due course.
KMb advised that we awaited details of the insurance company used by the Co-op to see if we would wish to use them too.
Questions were invited from those present: KMb responded to DW’s enquiry that the matter of business rates as they applied to The Hub had been fully discussed with the Vale of the White Horse District Council who had confirmed that we would not need to pay any due to the nature of the building use – this would be kept under review. There were no further questions.
Treasurer’s Report: 1 April 2020 - 31 March 2021
SG gave an overview of the financials and summary of annual outgoings and incomes of the group for the last financial year, as can be viewed on the SS social media site. She confirmed that these were as formally approved and submitted to CAG, Oxford by an independent examiner, as required under the terms of our membership, and invited any questions from those members present. No questions were raised. [Treasurers Report can be found here]
The members present confirmed that they had REVIEWED and APPROVED the financial report for 2020-2021.
SG thanked the members and advised that her report would be uploaded onto the SS website following the AGM.
Please find the Year two accounts here.
Updates required to the Constitution
SG explained that, now that SS had developed from its original start-up, SS’s constitution was in need of update to reflect this, including as follows:
a) the Plastic Reduction Campaign;
b) the Hub and any other buildings;
c) the Co-Chairing of SS.
The Members APPROVED the proposed updating of the constitution and it was confirmed that a copy of it would be displayed on the SS website when the process was completed.
Officers’ roles and responsibilities
KMy reminded members that SS will only be able to achieve its objectives and plans if more individuals volunteer to help. Around 30 volunteers signed up at the recent community meeting and it is highly desirable that some of these take up the responsibilities of those committee roles which are currently vacant, as the existing Committee Officers cannot cover all of these, despite their best efforts. A detailed summary of the Committee’s Officers’ roles and responsibilities, together with other committee roles, is available on the SS website.
The Members present APPROVED the Officers’ roles and responsibilities.
SG advised that the current Committee Members were standing for the following roles and, with the exception of JW who kindly volunteered for the role of Secretary, no other nominations had been received, which was regrettable:
KMb and KMy: Co-Chairs
SG: Treasurer
JW: Secretary
SM: Committee Member
The Members present APPROVED the election of Officers for 2021/2022.
DW offered his general help and BJ and DJ offered their help with the Hub, perhaps as keyholders as they live opposite the building so are ideally placed.
Scope of proposed activities 2021/2022
The Members present APPROVED the scope of proposed activities 2021/2022, as outlined in item (5) above.
Address Motions or Resolutions tabled by Members before the meeting
This item was closed as there were no motions or resolutions to address.
Close of Meeting
KMy/KMo thanked all those who had attended and formally closed the 2021 AGM at 8.00 pm.