February Meeting

Our open meeting notes for February are as follows -

1. Sustainable Living Event - Saturday 28th March

We are doing really well and have managed to get more stalls than last year. 


The Repair Cafe with a lot of support from the CAG central team, is now all confirmed and we have 3 experienced repair cafe volunteers as well as some new volunteers. All the legal & insurance side is covered too.


We have confirmed 5 talks


We have had a great response from local businesses, who are supporting us with funding and raffle prizes


Shrivenham primary school children have had a poster competition set for the event and we will be giving prizes to the winners from each key stage category. The theme of the poster is around the environment and how/why  humans impact it or could protect it. 

I have plenty of poster and flyer, please let me know if you can distribute or display and I can get them to you. 

Finally we will need some support to set up on the day we just can’t manage with 6 of us. We do have some family and friends to help but the more people we have the quicker we can be ready. We need a few strong hands to help set the marquee up outside as well as setting the tables up. From 7.30am if you are available. 

(We have had guidance from the Barrington Trust regarding Coronavirus and will be planning measures to support attendees with that)

2. Pop-Refill station

We are really pleased to say that we have confirmed with Kidson Trigg that we will be hosting a monthly refill station in the annex by Bloomfields in the high street. We will start small and expand the products if the desire is there. We will have this at the event on 28th March as well. 

SESI Washing up liquid - £2 1L - £1 500ml - 20p 100ml

SESI Non-Bio Laundry Liquid - £2.50 1L - £1.25 500ml - 25p 100ml

Dates: 25th April - 9th May - 30th May - 13th June

Start collecting your empty bottles. For refilling they need to be clean, and with the labels removed (but make a note of the capacity of your container if you can!) No food or drink containers please.

3. Children’s Clothing Exchange

A huge well done to Laura for pulling off a fantastic clothes exchange. It went really well and was well attended. With our support she will be planning a quarterly event at the hall and we will be in need of more volunteers for the next ones as we were a little light for the pack up. More details and dates to follow. We are currently investigating storage, if anyone has any leads we would be very grateful.

4. TerraCycle

We are investigating the Terra Cycle scheme to raise money for Wiltshire Air Ambulance - details to follow

5. Members Meetings

The next members meeting will be 30th April in Chestnut Room at the Memorial Hall at 7.30pm

We plan to start theming the monthly meetings and aiming to gather a schedule of talks & workshops. If you have any requests or suggestions please let us know and we can add to our list of ideas. 

6. Thanks

A huge thanks to the Shrivenham Institution for awarding us £200 to fund our meeting spaces over the next year


It was agreed that we will change the name of the monthly meetings from Members Meeting to Open Meeting as someone raised the point that they weren’t sure if they were able to come along if they weren’t a member. Hopefully that might encourage more to join us. 

Please do get in touch with any questions or suggestions!